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Registry - Clear recent play list in media player (All versions of Windows)

By default media player will show all recent played file, url history and playlists. You can disable this as sometimes you do not wish other people to know what you have been viewing or listening to. 

First, before editing your registry remember to always back it up first, just incase you do something wrong. The registry when modified is an instant change and cannot be undone.    

BACK UP REGISTRY: So to open the registry editor click on "START", "RUN", then type "REGEDIT" (No speech marks). The registry editor will now open, click on "FILE" then "EXPORT". From the save window that appear type in a file name (ie regback.reg), now click on "SAVE". Your registry has now been backed up.

TO DELETE RECENT FILES: Now on the left hand panel click on "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" , "Software", "Microsoft", "MediaPlayer", then "Player".   

Next search in the left hand panel for :

RecentURLList - This shows website streams, delete contents as necessary.

RecentFileList - This shows recent list of files, delete contents as necessary.

TO DELETE ENTRIES FROM TOOLBAR: Now on the left hand panel click on "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" , "Software", "Microsoft", "MediaPlayer", "Player" then "MediaLibrarySettings" (or MRUList). Delete contents as necessary. 


Disclaimer: This information is provided as is and we cannot guarantee that editing the registry will not cause serious damage. You use this information at your own risk.